Why have BiLd Solutions produce your regulatory reports??
Time - BiLd Solutions can have your entire package of Regulatory Reports in your hands quickly – typically on the same day. That means you can exchange preparation time with auditing/analysis time. Isn’t that a much better use of your time?
Accuracy - Chances are good that your regulatory filings will be more accurate. Spreadsheets are wonderful tools, but can be error prone – especially with constant changes. Our database approach incorporates change and ensures accuracy. Plus, some of the time you used to spend preparing your quarterly filing can now be used to ensure accuracy.
Audit - We provide you with a comparison to previous regulatory filings to help you quickly spot discrepancies and improve accuracy.
Automated - BiLd Solutions provides you with a flat file that you can use to import your information directly into eMir. Your process becomes simplified – save the file, import it, add the explanations, check and submit. That saves you time and improves accuracy.
More Frequent - Many of the regulatory reports provide great information. Now you can have these reports monthly, instead of quarterly. And, you will be ready should DICO require monthly filings.
Cost - There is internal staff time and often there is the cost of outside systems support. How much does that cost? Now your internal resources can be reassigned and your external system support costs cut. Also, a more accurate calculation of your uninsured deposits could cut your deposit insurance costs.
Changing Standards - Regulatory standards change frequently. And, accounting standards are changing. How are you going to manage that? And at what cost? BiLd Solutions can keep your credit union current with the latest regulatory requirements.
Board Package - Our package includes board reports that ensure your board is fully informed of your credit union’s regulatory compliance.
Quality Information - Our Regulatory Reports package feature a full set of professional looking reports and graphs in full colour. There are historical tables and charts that allow you to proactively spot trends early and make full advantage of those trends.
Risk - Is there one key person who is responsible for putting your regulatory filings together? What happens if they leave? Outsourcing eliminates this risk.
Our objective is to minimize your time and effort. We work entirely from your system’s source documents – no programming needed on your part. Just give us access to your system files and we will email you your reports, typically on the same day.
View the regulatory reports here